Oct 09
Play-n-Squeak Braid-y Cat:

PlayNSqueakBraidyMouseCatToyA mouse in the house? Yes, the best kind (according to my people) – the Play-n-Squeak "Braidy Cat" mouse! When the little guy is in my territory, I become Super Fast Kitty, the mouse hunter. Zoom, I swat him, and he goes squeaking down the hall. Zoom, I catch up to him and decisively pounce on him; again he squeaks – so fun!

Plus he has catnip! Eventually, I lay down, victoriously, my defeated prey next to me (or sometimes under me). Don't take him away from me right away – I want to savor the moment, and also, you know, I'm no Fraidy Cat when the Braidy-Cat mouse is out!


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