Dear Fancy,
My people recently rescued me, Peanut Butter (named for the color of my fur), from the streets. They comb me every day and I like it. But not when they try to comb my belly! And yet they seem to want to comb there as well. Any tips?
–Comb-Over Kitty
Dear Comb-Over,
First let me say four things:
1. It's great that your people are giving you a combing every day. That's your first defense against hairballs. Combing also lets your people check for things like stickers stuck in your fur, dandruff, bumps, mats – anything that shouldn't be there. In addition to being quite relaxing (raise your paw if you've ever fallen asleep while being combed or brushed) and a way to strengthen the human-cat bond, daily combing and brushing serves as a mini-health checkup.
2. As you – and hopefully your people – know, each cat has unique tolerances as far as belly-touching goes. Some cats purr contentedly as their tummies are rubbed; others will respond to any attempt to touch their undersides with a stern warning – yes, we're talking claws and biting.
3. These things are best approached in a gradual fashion, and within a human-kitty relationship that is built on trust, empathy, and friendship. 4. With a name like Peanut Butter, you must have a million nicknames.
Now I have to go take a nap.
OK, – I'm back.
Many – but definitely not all – cats who are already comfortable with being combed on their northern hemisphere will respond favorably to the method described in this article for introducing combing of the belly. Work with your people, who may be a bit nervous themselves, on this venture, and not only will you have marvelous, healthy-looking fur bottom and top, but you may come to really enjoy getting your belly combed and brushed.

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